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Bleeding & Spotting During ovulation: – When to be concerned

Bleeding & Spotting During ovulation: – When to be concerned

Ovulation occurs when the ovary releases an egg and some women experience bleeding & spotting around the time they are ovulating, which is normal occurrence. In fact, it’s fairly common for women to spot or bleed some point in their menstrual cycles. But when should you be concerned about the bleeding during ovulation?

( This blog post will explore the signs that indicate when ovulation spotting or bleeding is normal and when it is a sign of concern. it will also discuss the next steps that you can take if you are concerned about bleeding & spotting during ovulation.)

What is ovulation spotting?

Light vaginal bleeding that can occurs during before or after ovulation. (Not every woman has spotting during ovulation).

Ovulation bleeding occurs when there is a change in hormone levels. For example: estrogen levels decreases before woman starts ovulating and as a results, this causes endometrial to shed.

You may also experience other symptoms of ovulation such as :-

When does ovulation bleeding occur?

When you are ovulating, an ovary releases an egg and this occurs in the middle of your menstrual cycle between 11-12 days after the first day of your last period. Women do not always ovulate on the same days, as it depends on the length of their cycle.

When is spotting during ovulation considered normal?

Some signs that can help you determine whether your bleeding during ovulation is normal or a cause for concern.

  • First of all, it’s essential to keep in mind that ovulation bleeding occurs only once during each cycle.
  • Before you start ovulating, you experience an increase in estrogen levels, which then drop after ovulation. As a results progesterone levels rise for 5 days.
  • The fluctuation in E2 & P4 is what causes ovulation spotting.
When bleeding during ovulation is a sign of concern?
Heavy, severe and prolonged bleeding, we recommend seeing a doctor to provide you with diagnosis.
Spotting between periods can also be a sign of infection. If you have a sexually transmitted infection (STI) such as gonorrhea and Chlamydia, you have a high chance of having light bleeding.


If you have any concerns or want to learn more about your cycle,
book your appointment with our gynecologist toady or contact us at

Recurrent Implantation Failure (RIF)

Recurrent Implantation Failure (RIF)

recurrent implantations




Recurrent implantation failure refers to the inability of embryos to implant into uterine lining after repeated attempts at ART like IVF. Despite transferring healthy embryos, they fail to attach to the uterus and initiate a pregnancy.

Who can get recurrent implantation failure?

  • RIF can affect individuals or couples undergoing ART , partially IVF , it can occur in cases where the underlying cause remains unidentified.

Types of RIF:-

Early RIF : In this , embryo fail to implant shortly after being transferred into the uterus.

Late RIF:– In this type , when the embryos implant initially but result in early miscarriage or failed development soon after implantation.

Causes of RIF:-

  • Embryo related factors: Chromosomal Abnormalities (poor embryo quality).
  • Urine Factors: urine abnormalities or structural tissues – endometrial receptivity tissues , chronic endometriosis or infections.
  • Hormonal factors: Hormonal imbalances affecting the menstrual cycle-thyroid disorders or diabetes.
  • Lifestyle and environmental factors: Smoking or substance abuse –poor diet and nutrition – stress and excessive physical activity.

What are the symptoms of RIF?

The symptoms of RIF can vary from person to person

However , there might be Recurrent implantation failure refers to the inability of embryos to implant into uterine lining after repeated attempts at ART like IVF. Despite transferring healthy embryos, they fail to attach to the uterus and initiate a pregnancy.

Who can get recurrent implantation failure?

  • RIF can affect individuals or couples undergoing ART , partially IVF , it can occur in cases where the underlying cause remains unidentified.

Types of RIF:-

Early RIF : In this , embryo fail to implant shortly after being transferred into the uterus.

Late RIF:- In this type , when the embryos implant initially but result in early miscarriage or failed development soon after implantation.

Causes of RIF:-

  • Embryo related factors: Chromosomal Abnormalities (poor embryo quality).
  • Urine Factors: urine abnormalities or structural tissues – endometrial receptivity tissues , chronic endometriosis or infections.
  • Hormonal factors: Hormonal imbalances affecting the menstrual cycle-thyroid disorders or diabetes.
  • Lifestyle and environmental factors: Smoking or substance abuse –poor diet and nutrition – stress and excessive physical activity.

What are the symptoms of RIF?

The symptoms of RIF can vary from person to person

However , there might be no specific symptoms & the primary indication is the inability to achieve a successful pregnancy despite multiple  attempts at embryo transfer.

How is Recurrent Implantation failure diagnosed?

no specific symptoms & the primary indication is the inability to achieve a successful pregnancy despite multiple  attempts at embryo transfer.

How is Recurrent Implantation failure diagnosed?


Treatment for RIF

  • Improving Embryo Quality:

     Optimizing the quality of embryos through advanced laboratory techniques.

  • Endometrial Receptivity Analysis:

    Assessing the best time for embryo transfer based on the women menstrual cycle and hormonal profile.

  • Uterine preparation:

    Administering hormonal medications to prepare the uterine lining for better embryo implantation.

  • Lifestyle changes:

Adopting a healthy lifestyle changes, including balanced diet , regular exercise and stress management.

Recurrent implantation failure is a complex and challenging condition that affects individuals and couples seeking to expand their families through ART. Understanding the various causes, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment options is crucial in effectively

ENDOMETRIOSIS & FERTILITY : 3 Reasons for women to have hope

ENDOMETRIOSIS & FERTILITY : 3 Reasons for women to have hope

If you want to get pregnant and you are diagnosed with endometriosis, you might assume that all hope is lost. With the right treatment, you might get pregnant more easily than you think.

3 Reasons Not to Panic About Endometriosis:-

Reason 1

Reason 2

Reason 3

There are many treatments, depending on what’s right for you:



Woman with macroscopic (On the other hand women with (On the other
Disease may have lesions and scar tissue endometriosis have completely normal but endometriosis have
That can sometimes block the fallopian tube) microscopic lesions. It may or ,may not microscopic lesions.
This can make it difficult for an egg to make affect fertility) affect fertility)
Its way into the uterus.
we have come quite a long way in understanding endometriosis how it offers fertility and how to treat it. Your chances of conceiving are better than they have ever been, so its worth looking into the many treatment options that are available.

Early symptoms & cause of PCOS

Early symptoms & cause of PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a very common hormonal condition in females which causes hormonal imbalance. The females suffering from this produce excess of male’s hormones which results in delayed periods.

To be exact, in PCOS your ovaries produced usually high levels of hormones known as androgens which causes your reproduction hormones to become imbalanced leading to erratic menstrual cycle, missed periods & unpredictable ovulation.

  • You don’t have to spend your precious time searching for details of this problem as today we will be sharing the causes & symptoms of PCOS as per our fertility specialist & guide you through this.

What are the symptoms of PCOS 

There is a possibility that you have PCOS & your body doesn’t represent any of the symptoms & on the other hand, some women start seeing symptoms around their first period itself.

Anyhow here are few prominent symptoms of PCOS 

As PCOS presents with a diverse array of symptoms, which can manifest differently each individual. The most typical signs are :

Irregular menstrual cycle :- ovulation might be uneven or irregular , or it may not occur at all, which can cause irregular menstrual periods or even a totally absence of a monthly cycle.

Elevated Androgens: – it can cause actual side effects, including acne excessive face & body hair growth and male – pattern baldness.

Weight : Those dealing with PCOS often encounter challenges in managing their weight, heightening the likelihood of obesity.

It is crucial to remember that not everyone with PCOS will necessarily have all the symptoms, and symptom intensity can vary greatly.

Navigating Treatment Options for PCOS: A Holistic Approach  

The PCOS treatment objectives include symptom relief, fertility improvement, and lowering the danger of long-term health issues.

Lifestyle Modifications: Following a healthy lifestyle can be exceptionally useful in managing PCOS. Through a well-balanced diet and steady physical activity, it is possible to improve insulin sensitivity, and establish regular menstrual cycles.

Fertility Interventions: Fertility Intervention, for example, Ovulation Induction , IUI or In Vitro Fertilization ( IVF ), might be prompted for those attempting to get pregnant depending upon various factors.


In conclusion, PCOS is a complex hormonal condition with a range of symptoms and causes.By adopting a holistic approach that encompasses lifestyle changes, medications, and emotional support, individuals with PCOS can lead fulfilling lives and better navigate the challenges posed by this condition.For more Query or information regarding PCOS must visit us at Reviva fertility and IVF clinic in sec- 9 D CHD or contact us at 9915004407

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Fresh VS Frozen Embryo Transfers: An Explanation through Comparisons

Fresh VS Frozen Embryo Transfers: An Explanation through Comparisons

Fresh embryo transfers were the only option when In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) was initially introduced due to the limited progress in cryopreservation techniques.

Fresh & Frozen Embryo Transfers

However, over the past years, significant advancements in:

Nowadays Generally FET’s are preferred depending upon various factors: -

  • Age of couple
  • No of oocytes received
  • Quality of embryos
  • Hormonal parameters
  • Adequacy of endometrial lining

Fresh & Frozen Embryo Transfers

Understanding the Differences

Fresh Embryo Transfer

Frozen Embryo Transfer

Embryo Transfer

The Benefits & Drawbacks of Fresh & Frozen Embryo Transfer

Advantages of Fresh Embryo Transfer:

  • The waiting time for fresh embryo transfer is shorter as embryos are transferred soon after fertilization.
  • The embryos are not subjected to the stress of freezing & thawing.
  • Fresh cycle involves the process of ovarian stimulation, which can result in a receptive endometrial lining, if the women is not hyper – responded.

Disadvantages of Fresh Embryo Transfer

  • Ovarian stimulation during fresh cycles may result in OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome), a potentially serious condition marked by enlarged & painful ovaries.
  • Fresh transfer is time critical & need to be synchronized with the natural menstrual cycle, providing limited flexibility in terms of timing.

Advantages of Frozen embryo Transfer

  • FET provides a couple who have encountered challenging situations like cancer treatments with the opportunity to have children once their treatments are successfully completed.
  • Reduced risk of ovarian hyperstimulation.
Disadvantages of frozen embryo transfer

  • Not every embryo can withstand the freezing & thawing process, which could lead to a reduced no. of embryos available for transfer.
  • Going through frozen embryo transfer can be quite time consuming.

Factors to consider when deciding between fresh or frozen embryo transfer

  • Personal health
  • Timing flexibility
  • Success rate

NOTE: REVIVA IVF & Fertility Clinic in Chandigarh provides advanced fertility preservation methods. Our dedicated healthcare team serves exceptional care with precision & expertise in reproductive healthcare. For specialized assistance with embryo transfer, reach out REVIVA IVF & fertility Clinic

For more information contact us at :9915004407

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Decoding The Signs of Bad Egg Quality – A deep Dive into Fertility

How Alcohol & Smoking Affect Male Fertility?

How Alcohol & Smoking Affect Male Fertility?

When it comes to alcohol & male fertility and smoking & male fertility, a multitude of factors complexly knit to determine one’s reproductive health. While enjoying a drink might be a part of a men’s social life, understanding its impact on male fertility is essential for those considering parenthood.
(Converging & connecting a range of adverse effects)

Hormonal Imbalance: Prolonged alcohol consumption disrupts the delicate balance of hormones crucial for reproduction function.

Sperm Production: Excessive alcohol intake can diminish sperm production in testes. This decline in sperm quantity reduces the chances of fertilization.

Sperm Morphology: Alcohol induced oxidative stress can damage sperm DNA, altering their morphology & increasing the likelihood of genetic abnormalities in off springs.

Sperm Motility: Sperm requires optimal motility to navigate the female reproductive tract and reach the egg. Alcohol and smoking impair this ability reducing the chances of sperm successfully fertilizing the egg.

Erectile Dysfunction: The impact of alcohol and smoking on the nervous system can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Fertility Duration: Regular alcohol consumption can prolong the time it takes for a couple to conceive, increasing the duration of attempting pregnancy.

Seminal fluid composition : Alcohol and Smoking can alter the composition of seminal fluid , which provides essential nutrients to sperm . Changes in this composition can impact sperm function and viability.

The Correlation Between Alcohol & Male Fertility

Social alcohol consumption is widespread, yet its impact on sperm & male fertility varies based on the quantity & frequency of consumption. While moderate drinking may not significantly affect fertility, heavy & consistent alcohol can be determined.

Such drinking patterns can lead to the following:


It is crucial to recognize that individual factors, including genetics & overall health can influence male fertility. Alcohol and male fertility are interlinked in many ways for those who are trying to conceive should be cautious about excessive drinking or binge drinking patterns.

Consulting our IVF expert can provide personalized guidance based on individual circumstances.

For more information & guidance contact at REVIVA Fertility Clinic.

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Things to do to improve your chances of IUI success rate

Things to do to improve your chances of IUI success rate

Every couple dream of planning for their children & starting a new chapter of their life. Couples who are unable to conceive a child through natural process opt for various methods from medical sciences, one of them is IUI (Intrauterine Insemination).

Intrauterine Insemination is a fertility treatment in which the semen has been washed from male partner & transferred directly into the female partner uterus with the help of IUI catheter. This method is used during the time of ovulation.

Who can have an IUI procedure?

Women with cervical & men with ejaculation dysfunction can go for this treatment. Some more indications can be:
Although the success rate of IUI is 15-20% and there are some things you can do to improve the chances of achieving a high success rate for IUI treatment. Here is what you can do:

Eat healthy:-

It is highly advisable to maintain a healthy & balanced diet after IUI treatment. Adding food like whole grains seeds, nuts & eggs to your diet can lead to successful fertilization.

Get in touch with your fertility expert:-

It is best to stay in constant touch with your fertility expert after the treatment. Our experts suggest to you the right way to achieve conception. You can get assistance from the beginning to the final stage of the treatments here.

Start Exercising:-

Our experts advise that a little exercise is always suitable after the treatment of IUI. It also enhances the blood flow to the uterus and other reproductive organs.

Build & Maintain Positivity:

It will be better for your health & body if you feel happy and positive in these times. Maintaining a positive attitude is a must during & after the process.

Maintain Healthy Sleep Pattern: -

After the procedure, our IVF experts recommend you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. It will not only help you to keep fresh but also improves mental health & releases your stress.
NOTE : when you opt for such important artificial procedure , it is highly advisable to look after the do’s & don’ts of the things you can do afterwards because this period is very crucial to get successful results.
REVIVA fertility & IVF clinic takes care of everything for couples who can’t conceive & provides full assistance in the best IVF & IUI treatment in CHD.

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Low Sperm Count – Causes And Treatment

Low Sperm Count – Causes And Treatment

Low sperm count is a common issue that affects a lot of men. It is a condition where the no. of sperms produced by the testicles is low and can result in infertility.

Men with low sperms count may struggle to conceive a child & start a family.
Low sperm count is treatable & there are several options available for men to improve their chances of having a child.
In this blog, we take a closer look at low sperm count & various treatment options that are available to help men overcome this condition.


There are various factors which can contribute to low sperm count and some of common causes include:-


There are several treatments available for low sperm count, including:-

Medications:- There are various medications available that can help to improve sperm quality and increase sperm count.

Lifestyle changes:- Making simple changes to your lifestyle such as reducing alcohol consumption, quitting smoking, reducing stress and eating a healthy diet can help to improve sperm count and motility.

If despite the above measures, sperm counts remain low, such men can still have a family by using the following assisted reproduction techniques (ART).


This is a procedure where sperm is processed and then directly inserted into a women uterus to increase the chances of conception.


It is more advanced fertility treatment that involves fertilizing an egg with a sperm inside the laboratory and then transfer the resulting embryo in the women uterus.


It is a variation of IVF where a single sperm is injected into an egg. ICSI is often used for men with low sperm count and poor sperm motility.


In conclusion, low sperm count is a common issue that affect many men. However, there are several treatments available that can help to improve sperm count quality and increase the chances of having a child. It is important to speak to a doctor about the best treatment option for you and to make any necessary lifestyle changes to improve your overall health & fertility.

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