
Reviva IVF

Decoding The Signs of Bad Egg Quality – A Deep Dive into Fertility

Decoding The Signs of Bad Egg Quality – A Deep Dive into Fertility

About Reviva IVF Chandigarh

Understanding one's body is the first step to health & well-being. When it comes to fertility, being aware of the signs of egg quality is crucial.

Here's the Lowdown:

Though age is just a number, when it comes to fertility, it’s a wee bit more. Women above 35 often face challenges concerning egg quality.

Repeated Mis Carriage

Low FSH Reserves & AMH values

The Impact of Egg Quality on Fertility
Signs of Bad Egg Quality

Treatment of Bad Egg Quality

The world of medicine has made leaps and bounds. Depending on the diagnosis, treatments like IVF, ICSI & Egg donation.

Supplements & Vitamins Here’s some food for thought ( quite literally ) certain vitamins and supplements like Vitamin-D, and omega-3 Fatty acids can potentially improve egg quality.

While signs of bad egg quality can be distressing, remember, that knowledge is power. Armed with information and with the guidance of IVF clinics like REVIVA Fertility, you’re well on your path to understanding & optimizing your fertility journey.

How Alcohol & Smoking Affect Male Fertility?

How Alcohol & Smoking Affect Male Fertility?

When it comes to alcohol & male fertility and smoking & male fertility, a multitude of factors are complexly knit to determine one’s reproductive health. While enjoying a drink might be a part of a man’s social life, understanding its impact on male fertility is essential for those considering parenthood.
Alcohol and smoking have significant influence on sperm quality
(Converging & connecting a range of adverse effects)

Hormonal Imbalance: Prolonged alcohol consumption disrupts the delicate balance of hormones crucial for reproduction function.

Sperm Production: Excessive alcohol intake can diminish sperm production in testes. This decline in sperm quantity reduces the chances of fertilization.

Sperm Morphology: Alcohol induced oxidative stress can damage sperm DNA, altering their morphology & increasing the likelihood of genetic abnormalities in off springs.

Sperm Motility: Sperm requires optimal motility to navigate the female reproductive tract and reach the egg. Alcohol and smoking impair this ability reducing the chances of sperm successfully fertilizing the egg.

Erectile Dysfunction: The impact of alcohol and smoking on the nervous system can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Fertility Duration: Regular alcohol consumption can prolong the time it takes for a couple to conceive, increasing the duration of attempting pregnancy.

Seminal fluid composition : Alcohol and Smoking can alter the composition of seminal fluid , which provides essential nutrients to sperm . Changes in this composition can impact sperm function and viability.

The Correlation Between Alcohol & Male Fertility

Social alcohol consumption is widespread, yet its impact on sperm & male fertility varies based on the quantity & frequency of consumption. While moderate drinking may not significantly affect fertility, heavy & consistent alcohol can be determined.

Such drinking patterns can lead to the following:

Note Icon

It is crucial to recognize that individual factors, including genetics & overall health, can influence male fertility. Alcohol and male fertility are interlinked in many ways for those who are trying to conceive should be cautious about excessive drinking or binge drinking patterns.

Consulting our IVF expert can provide personalized guidance based on individual circumstances.

For more information & guidance contact REVIVA Fertility Clinic.

Things to Do to Improve Your Chances of IUI Success Rate

Things to Do to Improve Your Chances of IUI Success Rate

Every couple dreams of planning for their children & starting a new chapter of their life. Couples who are unable to conceive a child through the natural process opt for various methods from medical sciences, one of them is IUI (Intrauterine Insemination).

IUI success rate

Intrauterine Insemination is a fertility treatment in which the semen is washed from the male partner & transferred directly into the female partner’s uterus with the help of an IUI catheter. This method is used during the time of ovulation.

Who can have an IUI procedure?

Women with cervical & men with ejaculation dysfunction can go for this treatment. Some more indications can be:
High Success Rate for IUI Treatment

Although the success rate of IUI is 15-20% there are some things you can do to improve the chances of achieving a high success rate for IUI treatment. Here is what you can do:

Eat healthy:-

Eat Healthy for IUI Treatment
It is highly advisable to maintain a healthy & balanced diet after IUI treatment. Adding food like whole grains seeds, nuts & eggs to your diet can lead to successful fertilization.

Get in touch with your fertility expert:-

Meet the Fertility Expert IUI Success Rate
It is best to stay in constant touch with your fertility expert after the treatment. Our experts suggest to you the right way to achieve conception. You can get assistance from the beginning to the final stage of the treatments here.

Start Exercising:-

Exercising for IUI Treatment
Our experts advise that a little exercise is always suitable after the treatment of IUI. It also enhances the blood flow to the uterus and other reproductive organs.

Build & Maintain Positivity:

Maintain Positivity to Improve IUI success rate

It will be better for your health & body if you feel happy and positive in these times. Maintaining a positive attitude is a must during & after the process.

Maintain Healthy Sleep Pattern:-

Healthy Sleep to Improve IUI success rate

After the procedure, our IVF experts recommend you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. It will not only help you to stay fresh but also improve your mental health and release your stress.

NOTE: When you opt for such an important artificial procedure, it is highly advisable to look after the do’s & don’ts of the things you can do afterward because this period is very crucial to getting successful results.

REVIVA fertility & IVF clinic takes care of everything for couples who can’t conceive & provides full assistance in the best IVF & IUI treatment in CHD.

Low Sperm Count – Causes And Treatment

Low Sperm Count – Causes And Treatment

Low sperm count is a common issue that affects a lot of men. It is a condition where the no. of sperm produced by the testicles is low and can result in infertility.

Men with less sperm count may struggle to conceive a child & start a family.
Low Sperm Count
It is treatable & there are several options available for men to improve their chances of having a child.

In this blog, we take a closer look at low sperm count & various treatment options that are available to help men overcome this condition.


There are various factors which can contribute to low sperm count and some of common causes include:-
Low Sperm Count Causes


There are several treatments available to increase the count, including:-

Medications:- There are various medications available that can help to improve sperm quality and increase count.

Lifestyle changes:- Making simple changes to your lifestyle such as reducing alcohol consumption, quitting smoking, reducing stress and eating a healthy diet can help to improve sperm count and motility.

If despite the above measures, sperm counts remain low, such men can still have a family by using the following assisted reproduction techniques (ART).

Assisted reproduction techniques


This is a procedure where sperm is processed and then directly inserted into a women uterus to increase the chances of conception.


It is more advanced fertility treatment that involves fertilizing an egg with a sperm inside the laboratory and then transfer the resulting embryo in the women uterus.


It is a variation of IVF where a single sperm is injected into an egg. ICSI is often used for men with low sperm counts and poor sperm motility.


In conclusion, low sperm count is a common issue that affects many men. However, there are several treatments available that can help to improve the count quality and increase the chances of having a child. It is important to speak to a doctor about the best treatment option for you and to make any necessary lifestyle changes to improve your overall health & fertility.

Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet Rich Plasma has been used alongside conventional fertility treatments like In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to improve egg quality, uterine lining thickness and endometrial receptivity, primarily in the treatment of recurrent implantation failure expired once multiple cycles.
platelet rich plasma

What is PRP?

It is a concentrated blood product that contains high percentage of platelets. In general, whole blood is composed of 4 components:-
  • Plasma
  • Platelets
  • RBC’s
  • WBC’s
PRP Process

PRP Process:-

After the collection of blood sample from the patient, the sample is processed in a centrifugation machine for a certain interval of time

After the completion of time separate the plasma from the blood sample and again re-centrifuge for some time

Now the sample is ready to be infused in the woman’s uterus.

How is PRP used for IVF and other fertility treatments?

PRP is used in a no. of fertility treatments including IUI & IVF to assist with & improve uterine lining thickness/ enhance endometrial receptivity during an embryo transfer.

PRP for Egg Quantity & Quality

It is used to encourage an improvement in egg quality, ovarian rejuvenation & response to stimulate medications.
PRP for Egg Quantity

PRP for uterine lining growth & Endometrial Receptivity

PRP may be used to improve the endometrial receptivity of uterine lining prior to an embryo transfer. This is typically done in 48 hours prior to the anticipated embryo transfer.

During the procedure, approximately 1-3 ml is infused in the uterus using an IUI catheter.

The patient will rests for 30 minutes & is subsequently discharged for a normal daily activity.

If the infusions are intended for lining development (usually for someone with a history of failing to develop an adequate uterine lining).

The first PRP infusion would be done at the initial lining check and then repeated after 72 hrs later and if the lining remains inadequate.

Embryo Freezing (Vitrification)

Embryo Freezing (Vitrification)

Embryo Freezing
Embryo freezing (Vitrification) freezes and stores fertilized eggs for later use. It is often used with fertility treatments that create embryos, such as In vitro fertilization. It can help people preserve fertility and get pregnant in future.

What is embryo freezing?

A process to freeze and store embryos for later use. An embryo is an egg that has been fertilized by a sperm. The process is a way to help people with fertility and reproduction.

Why would you freeze an embryo?

Embryo freezing often occurs after people have treatments to try to get conceive. IVF & ICSI are those procedures which fertilizes the eggs with sperm and they sometimes create an extra embryos.

You may choose to freeze extra embryos and use them later if you want to:

  • Postpone or cancel embryo transfer after an egg is already fertilized.
  • Want to delay pregnancy.
  • Want an option in case early attempts at fertility treatment fails.
  • Embryo freezing is also used for fertility preservation in case of cancer patients before starting chemotherapy or radiation therapy as that treatment could affect their ability to get pregnant.

Does freezing damage embryos?


Freezing can damage embryos, and thawing them later can also damage them. If multiple embryos are frozen, some may or may not survive the process.

Your doctor will guide you on whether your embryos are suitable for freezing, thawing and implantation.

Your doctor will also guide you during which embryonic stage it’s best to freeze one or more embryos. The stages where freezing is  possible include:

  1. Cleavage stage (day 3):- when a single cell has multiplied to between 4-8 cells after about 72 hours.
  2. Blastocyst stage (day 5):-When the single cell has multiplied to between 200-300 cells after 5-6 days.

Is frozen embryo transfer successful?

  • Frozen embryo transfer occurs when an embryo is thawed and implanted into a woman’s uterus, the process is often successful
  • But success rates vary widely based on many factors including both partner’s overall health & female age at the time of egg retrieval.
  • Presence of fertility issues such as endometriosis, fibroids and uterine polyps.
  • Previous success or failure of fertility treatment and pregnancies.

How are the embryos used to begin a pregnancy?

The process is called frozen embryo transfer or FET. To prepare for the embryo transfer , the prospective mother may receive estrogen pills or injections to build up the lining of the uterus , and then progesterone treatment to make the uterus receptive to the embryo.

Alternatively , In natural FET cycle a patient is monitored until ovulation occurs and the embryo is transferred into the uterus approximately 5 days after ovulation.

For more Queries , you can contact our fertility expert.



Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injecton (ICSI) 

Although Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)  was introduced as an add on procedure to In vitro fertilization (IVF)  for couples with severe male factors , now a days it is routinely used in most of the IVF centers.  ICSI  involves injection of single sperm into a mature egg.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injecton (ICSI)

ICSI has a clear cut edge in male factor infertility like low sperm count , poor sperm motility , abnormal sperm morphology , nil sperm count due to blockage etc. ICSI is also the best option when fertilization rates in previous cycles have been low.

 In these cases the risk of fertilization failure after conventional IVF are high as the poor quality sperm may fail to penetrate the egg and result in failure. However, ICSI is Labour intensive and more expensive than Conventional IVF.


Conventional IVF  involves standard  insemination of eggs collected by egg retrieval and husband semen sample .

IVF is more successful in young couples with good ovarian reserve and normal semen parameters .Your chances of having a healthy baby using IVF depend on many factors, such as your age and the cause of infertility.

The current available studies that compare ICSI and IVF in couples with no male factor problems show neither method was superior to the other in achieving live birth, complications like multiple pregnancies etc.

The choice between both the fertility treatments would mostly rely on diagnosis and recommendation of your fertility specialist while its always great to have basic understanding of the process benefit & difference.

Hand Foot Mouth Disease

Hand Foot Mouth Disease


What Is It?

Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease is a type of viral infection that causes ulcers in the mouth and blisters on the feet, hands and buttocks.

It is caused by coxsackievirus A16.

How Does HFMD Spread?

HFMD is contagious and can spread through Blister’s fluids, Feces, Sliva, Poop, and Mucus.
Hand Foot Mouth Disease Spread

Hand Foot & Mouth Disease Symptoms:

Hand Foot Mouth Disease Symptoms

Who Is At The Risk Of HFMD?

  • Young children under 5 and
  • Adults with low immunity
Child with HFMD Sign

How Is HFMD Diagnosed?

  • Physical exam for the appearance of blisters and rashes.
  • A stool test confirms HFMD.

How Is HFMD Treated?

hfmd care

Prevention Measures For HFMD:

Prevention For HFMD

Carry Home Message-:

Unfortunately, there’s no cure and vaccine available to prevent Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease, but your healthcare provider can help make you more comfortable during recovery. In addition, HFMD is a fairly painful but not serious condition, and its symptoms usually clear up within 7 to 10 days.

Monkeypox -What Is It?

Monkeypox -What Is It?

Monkeypox is a disease caused by the Monkeypox virus (MPXV).

Monkeypox Outbreak 2022

MPXV was first detected in 1958 in the colonies of monkeys in West and Central Africa.

Till late July 2022, the CDC agency (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) confirmed 16,800 cases of Monkeypox virus worldwide.

The first case of Monkeypox virus in India was reported in Kerala on 14 July 2022 and the figure is continuously increasing.

How Does Monkeypox Spread?

  • Can spread through close contact.
  • Can also spread through bites, scratches, or bodily fluids.
Monkeypox Spread

Signs & Symptoms Associated With Monkeypox

Monkeypox virus Signs & Symptoms
How MPX Diagnosed?
  • It is through a tissue sample taken from a lesion.
  • A blood sample confirms Monkeypox disease.
  • Doctor monitors and treats symptomatically.
  • No approved antiviral drug is available to cure this virus.
Things to do after Monkeypox virus
Carry Home Message-:
IVF Carry Home Message
Monkeypox is rare, and there is no specific treatment for this disease. But, your healthcare provider can help you feel comfortable and prevent serious complications. So, don’t panic and call your doctor immediately after noticing the above-mentioned signs of the Monkeypox virus.

Fertility in couples – things you need to know

Fertility in couples – things you need to know

Fertility in couples

Infertility is quite a scary term for couples who are eager to become parents. The fear increases with each passing day because 86% of couples successfully conceive within the first few months. Less than 10% conceive within a year.

However, there is a lot of uncertainty and misunderstanding around the word “infertility” and this creates more panic than necessary. In this blog article, we will speak in depth about it along with treatment options so that you walk the path of parenthood without any qualms.

What is infertility?

Infertility is the inability to conceive a child. A couple may be deemed as infertile after over a year of unprotected sex and no success. The usual thumb rule is that failure to conceive even after 15 months or so is an infertility case.
Infertility can be due to various reasons, sometimes unknown. Most of these reasons can be identified and treated to successfully foster pregnancy.

Infertility problems in couples

Infertility can be caused due to health problems in the female partner, male partner, or both. Even though consultations start with women heading to the fertility clinic, complications may be in the male partner as well. This is why it is recommended that both partners get the necessary tests done. Common reasons behind infertility problems are:

  1. Endometriosis
  2. Ovulation disorders
  3. Problems in the fallopian tube (Damage)
  4. Advanced age
  5. Uterine fibroids
  6. Unexplained infertility (14% of total infertility cases are unexplained)
  7. Hypothalamic disorders, gonad disorders, and sperm issues in men

The need for infertility treatment

Gone are the days when infertility was the end of the world. Today, your dream of being a parent can come true despite complications and hindrances because there are multiple treatments that you can try.

Based on the situation, your fertility clinic will provide the best solution. We have enlisted the most popular solutions here:

In-vitro fertilization or IVF

IVF is an intricate procedure in which the clinic will fertilize the egg in the laboratory. The sperm and egg will be taken and fused under stipulated conditions to aid fertilization.

IVF is currently the most successful method of fertilization and is used worldwide for this exact reason. No matter what the cause of infertility maybe, IVF is often the solution.

Stimulating ovulation

If infertility is caused due to ovulation disorders, stimulating ovulation through medication and injections maybe tried. The idea is to assist the female partner in ovulating and releasing mature eggs.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

ICSI is a common treatment for male reproductive dysfunction in which the sperm is injected directly into the mature egg.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

IUI, also known as Artificial Insemination, is a widely popular method used in cases where there is concern regarding fertility or damaged fallopian tubes.

There are multiple other treatments as well such as the use of donors and surrogacy, which are considered based on the severity of the situation and the comfort level of the couple.

Is it the right time to change your fertility clinic?

While infertility treatments may take time, there may come an instance when you might question whether you chose the right fertility clinic. If you see any of the following red flags, it could be time to change your fertility clinic:

The physician does not have a clear conversation

Good physicians do not demand that you listen quietly to them and do as told. They are always open to discussions and answering questions about the procedure.

They often tell you why the procedure is right for you and discuss alternatives as well. If your physician does not encourage this, you should look for a better clinic.

Unprofessional behavior

The most common unprofessional trait we see is making patients wait despite appointments. Appointments are commitments that the physician must honor as well.

If he/she makes you wait all the time and every appointment takes much longer than anticipated, it is a sure red flag.

Not discussing budget or expenses

Infertility treatment is a psychologically and financially heavy process. Couples look for clinics that can empathize with them and speak to them about all the options keeping budget in mind.

Couples may need to take multiple steps including loans before starting the process. Shutting them out and not listening to them shows that the clinic is less than supportive.

Not respecting privacy

Clinics that do not understand the need for privacy and physicians who would meet with multiple patients at once are best avoided.

Always trust your gut instinct and exit at the first negative sign. Infertility treatment is a challenging process that needs timely attention.

Sticking to the wrong clinic may knock precious time off, which is very crucial.

Choosing the best IVF Clinic in Chandigarh

The best IVF clinic in Chandigarh will not just provide the right options for treatment, but also discuss closely with you, empathize and come up with the right solution.

At Reviva IVF, we understand the challenges and difficulties you are going through, and do our best to ease your pain – physically and emotionally. All our physicians and team members work closely keeping budget constraints in mind so that the journey to parenting is fruitful and not taxing.

At Reviva IVF, we understand the challenges and difficulties you are going through, and do our best to ease your pain – physically and emotionally. All our physicians and team members work closely keeping budget constraints in mind so that the journey to parenting is fruitful and not taxing.