
Reviva IVF

How To Select Your IVF Clinic in Chandigarh

How To Select Your IVF Clinic in Chandigarh

Reviva IVF Clinic

IVF is an extensive procedure that may involve frequent visits to the clinic, regular talks with your doctor, and the need for constant support. This is why it is important to choose an IVF centre in Chandigarh that gives you the required attention and treats you well.

But how do you find a good IVF clinic? What are the factors that you must consider? Our article today is all about it.

We will help you distinguish clinics based on multiple parameters including emotional support, care, and compassion, which are paramount in sensitive procedures like IVF.

Reach out to friends and family for referrals

We are strong advocates of referrals because personal experience is the most reliable form of feedback. If anyone you know has sought IVF treatment, reach out to them and ask them about the doctor/clinic. You can also ask the clinics you are interested in for referrals. Reputed clinics are usually happy to share the details.

While speaking to them, ask about the entire journey and their overall experience. This will help you learn if a clinic needs to be avoided completely.

Speak to the doctor directly

A hearty conversation with the doctor will tell you a lot about what you can expect. It is crucial to create a healthy relationship with the doctor who will treat you because he/she will be your support system for a long while.

Be open about your concern and see how the doctor responds. If he/she only seems interested in speaking about the treatment, it is a red flag. Genuine, compassionate doctors are willing to help you, answer your questions, and walk the path with you. These are the doctors you should seek.

Another very important factor here is the doctor’s time. Since IVF is not a one-session procedure, you have to be sure that the doctor has time for you, regardless of how many other patients he treats. This will be clear once you get in touch a couple of times and see how long you have to wait. After the first visit, even if you like the doctor thus, do not take hasty decisions or make the advance payment.

Will the treatment be customized?

In case the first cycle does not work, the doctor should ideally tweak the treatment for the next. Reputed doctors follow this approach because everyone’s condition is unique and the same template treatment may not work for everyone.

If your case is unique, do they have the required expertise?

Almost all clinics are well-equipped to deal with regular IVF procedures. But, if you have a difficult condition, this particular factor will be important for you. Even if the clinic/doctor has been in business for years, the experience will not count if they haven’t dealt with cases similar to yours. So, make sure you get that information from them as well.

How good is the clinic?

Since, along with the doctor, you will also be dealing with staff members, you should assess how good the clinic is. Here are a few things to ask yourself:

  • Is the staff courteous and kind?
  • Are all hygiene practices being followed?
  • Is the clinic a super-specialty clinic or multi-specialty clinic? Especially in these uncertain times, it is best to choose a super-specialty clinic. The doctors and staff members will be dedicated to IVF and not be distracted by other emergencies.
  • Do they have the latest equipment to cater to your condition? A little background research and a talk with your OB/GYN will help you understand this.

Are they being honest?

Pushy clinics are bad news. They will be too eager to push their services instead of honestly assessing your condition and helping you accordingly.

In case you need donor eggs, they may also push you to choose what they offer instead of letting you use your own eggs.

Such situations can be tricky but you can understand whether a clinic is trustworthy by the way they approach you, speak to you, and suggest a way forward. Good clinics will not be pushy or complacent. The doctor will not just advise but also give you reasons behind the recommendation.

IVF is an emotionally tiring process. Having an understanding doctor who supports you through the difficult journey will make it considerably easy. So, choose wisely.

Reviva IVF – Your friendly IVF clinic in Chandigarh

At Reviva IVF, we value our transparency over everything else. We strive to provide a customized treatment that is best suited to you and your health conditions. Our team of dedicated doctors will work closely with you right from day one to help your dream of being a parent come true. Get in touch with us and choose the best IVF centre in Chandigarh!

Fertility Tests For Women

Fertility Tests For Women

Fertility Tests For Women

It’s a scary thought – being unable to conceive.

If you have been trying for months and if each passing day is making you worry that there’s a problem, it may be time for a fertility test.

Getting tested to pinpoint the problem is always a wise choice because it removes suspicion and helps you prepare for the future in an informed manner. Otherwise, you may continuously worry, imagining the worst. This kind of stress is not good for conception either.

We have listed out a few common fertility tests for women that you can consider.

Blood tests

A blood test will determine if you suffer from an infection or STI (sexually transmitted infection). This is important because if you have had an STI before or if you have any inflammation, conception could be difficult.


The doctor may suggest a TVS ultrasound or a pelvic ultrasound to check your ovarian reserve as well as the follicles. If there are multiple follicles, it is good news!

The ultrasound will also help find out if there are cysts or fibroids. Polycystic ovaries are common and among the leading reasons for infertility today.

Hormone tests

Certain hormones are very crucial in reproduction. Low levels of these hormones can ring the alarm bells. Thus, a hormone test will be able to clear the air. Since there are multiple reproductive hormones, you might undergo multiple tests. Below are the hormones you must get tested.

Follicle stimulating hormone

Commonly called FSH, this hormone stimulates the growth of follicles in the ovaries. Increase in FSH causes follicles to be stimulated. They then produce estrogen and grow. One of them grows the most and this is when the ovulation process begins. If you lack FSH, you will not be able to ovulate.


Estradiol regulates menstruation. High or low amounts of this hormone spell trouble because:

  • High estradiol indicates lower ovarian reserve
  • Low estradiol is a sign of PCOS

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

Also known as TSH, doctors will check for its levels as well because thyroid problems are known to cause many fertility problems. Both, hypo and hyperthyroidism are bad for fertility.


Under normal circumstances, progesterone levels are high after ovulation (around a week after). As you near the time of your next period, the levels will drop. It is very important to time the test right to get accurate results. If your periods are irregular, you may not get the right results.

Note: Due to the sensitivity of timing, this test is not very dependable


Prolactin works to inhibit FSH, forcing it to stop follicular stimulation. High levels of this hormone could indicate PCOS. Extremely high levels could be a sign of a tumor.

If you have no issues with your periods and your progesterone levels are normal, this test can be skipped unless there are other clinical indicators.

Luteinizing Hormone

This hormone works just like FSH. Its levels go up right around the time of ovulation. This is the only time this hormone’s levels should be up (24-48 hours). At any other time during the menstrual cycle, if the hormone surges, it could be due to polycystic ovaries. Lower than normal levels immediately before ovulation indicate that your menstrual cycle is not normal.

Anti-Mullerian Hormone

This is a basic test that reveals the number of follicles that are growing. However, it won’t indicate the quality of the eggs.

Cervical mucus test

The consistency of the cervical mucus changes through the menstrual cycle. Examining it and testing its components will help determine if your periods are normal and if there are any sperm-killing antibodies in it.

Advanced fertility tests for women

Let’s walk through a few advanced fertility tests that the doctor may recommend after the basic tests.


The surgeon will inject a camera through holes created near the public hairline to get a check if all reproductive organs are okay. This test will also help find scars or endometrial growths.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Commonly called MRI, this test helps assess the uterine wall. It is recommended in case there’s endometrial growth on the uterus, painful periods, IVF failures, etc.

Note: This is an expensive procedure.


This test helps determine the presence of polyp growth and scarring through a small camera. It is inserted through the vagina.

Endometrial biopsy

This test is conducted between the 18th and 28th days of the menstrual cycle. The doctor will take a tiny piece of the uterine lining to check its development when progesterone is released.

Saline hysterogram

The doctor will inject a saline solution in the uterus to check abnormal growth, polyps, etc.


This is an X-ray that checks the condition of the tubes and uterus. The doctor injects a radio-opaque dye to facilitate this.

Tests help determine the current situation and pave the way forward. You will be able to work with your doctor to get the right treatment and conceive as quickly as possible.

Reviva IVF – A fertility treatment centre close to your home!

Reviva IVF is a leading fertility and IVF centre in Chandigarh. We have a team of dedicated medical experts who will work closely with you and recommend the right fertility tests based on your situation. We will walk with you from day 1 and ensure that this is not a cumbersome process for you. To book an appointment, get in touch with us now!

Things To do To Improve Your Chances of Conceiving Naturally

Things To do To Improve Your Chances of Conceiving Naturally

Chances of Conceiving Naturally

Natural conception, as easy as it seems, has only a 20% success rate per cycle. So, if you are unable to get pregnant naturally, please do not panic. Good things usually take time.

Having said that, we understand that the process may be worrisome. You may be trying for months without any luck – that can be quite frustrating. But, the good news is that you can do a few things to improve your chances of conceiving naturally. It is all about understanding your body and doing what’s best for it.

Improve Your Physical Health

Physical fitness is of the most importance while trying to conceive. Taking care of yourself and ensuring that you are healthy will automatically increase the chances of conceiving naturally without any intervention. Here are a few helpful tips for you:

  • Ensure that you are not overweight or underweight. Both of these conditions affect fertility negatively. If you have chronic weight issues, we suggest that you work with your doctor on the same. Otherwise, you may alter your diet and lifestyle to achieve optimal weight.
  • Make exercise a routine and workout at least 3 times a week. The right exercises for you will depend on your body type. But, aerobics, weight training, and yoga have proven to benefit most women.
  • Stop smoking and consuming alcohol – this holds true for both partners. Studies over the years have found that even moderate alcohol consumption reduces fertility. Moreover, tobacco reduces the motility of sperm. Even passive smoking can have adverse effects. If you indulge in either or both of these habits, it’s time to stop.
  • Try to relax. Stress has severely negative effects on the body and the mind. Excessively stressing about conception may actually be the reason why you are unable to conceive. Try to give yourself a break and take good care of yourself.

Watch Your Diet

Exercise and diet go hand in hand. Doing just one and ignoring the other is almost as bad as doing nothing. So, along with staying active while trying to conceive, it is important to eat right

Food That Must Be a Part of Your Diet:

  • Water: Drinking water and staying hydrated through the day helps remove toxins from the body. It also helps organ function and stabilizes hormones.
  • Whole milk: Whole milk is high-fat dairy that helps successful ovulation and improves fertility. We recommend that you drink 3 glasses of whole milk every day.
  • Grains, vegetables, and fruits: All these foods have complex carbohydrates that provide fiber, remove toxins, and improve fertility.
Essential Nutrients:

While making diet changes, remember to ensure that you get enough of the following:

  • Zinc: Deficiency of zinc causes infertility in men and women.
  • Vitamins: Particularly, vitamin B6, C, E, and folic acid enhance the production of male and female hormones.
  • Fatty acids: Nuts, seeds, and oily fish can help you get the required fatty acids. They don’t just support fertility but also fetal development.
  • Proteins: Consuming protein-rich foods will help enhance the production of sex hormones. We recommend plant-based proteins only. Red meat can be harmful.
Food That You Must Avoid While Trying to Conceive Naturally:
  • Caffeine: Various studies have shown that caffeine causes infertility and can increase the risk of miscarriage as well. So, it is vital that you remove it from your diet entirely.
  • Soy products: They cause infertility in men.
  • Processed foods: Processed foods must always be avoided but it is even more crucial if you are trying to get pregnant naturally. This is because they are loaded with preservatives, pesticides, and other harmful substances.
  • Animal protein: Red meat, etc. increase risk of infertility. Plant proteins are the safest.
Learn About Your Menstrual Cycle

It is not enough to know when your period is due. You must also know when you are ovulating. Keeping track of this is the easiest way to conceive because this is when you are most fertile. There are a few ways to do this:

  • Buying ovulation kits: These kits will help you determine whether you are ovulating.
  • Following the calendar method: Each cycle lasts for 28 to 32 days. Keeping this in mind, track the first day of your period and determine when the next cycle will start. You may have to track your cycle for a few months to get the exact date but we are assuming you already do that. From the determined date of your next cycle, count backward and note the 8 to 18 days. This is the period when you will ovulate. Ovulation usually occurs only on one day and penetration during that time will increase chances of pregnancy drastically. There are free ovulation calendars available for download as well.
  • Checking the cervical mucus: The mucus changes in color and consistency throughout the cycle. Around the time of ovulation, it becomes slippery, stretchy, and whitish – almost like an egg white. Tracking these changes will help you determine when you are ovulating.
  • Tracking the basal temperature: All you need is a basal thermometer to check when the basal body temperature goes up. It is usually up immediately after ovulation.
Work On Sperm Build-Up

Both partners have equal roles to play in conception. Tracking ovulation and ensuring you time intercourse in that window is not enough. The male partner must have enough sperm to increase chances of fertilization. Not ejaculating in a while can help with this. So we recommend abstinence for 3-4 days for a positive outcome.

If you have been trying to conceive for over 6 months, it is a good idea to get a few tests done. There might be a medical reason why you are facing problems. Identifying it and solving it could be the breakthrough you are looking for. It will also help you plan the way forward.

Reviva IVF – Your Solution to Infertility

Reviva IVF offers state-of-the-art IVF treatment centre in Chandigarh. We are a specialty clinic with over 65% success rate. Our team of embryologists, andrologists, and anesthetics will work closely with you to make the journey easy and exciting. We offer the most affordable IVF costs in Chandigarh and surrounding areas to ensure that the procedures don’t take a toll on you. Book an appointment with us now and start the magical journey of pregnancy.

Things you must know before starting IVF

Things you must know before starting IVF

Things to Consider Before IVF

We would like to commend you and your partner on your decision to undergo IVF. You are extremely brave.

The road ahead can be daunting when you don’t know what to expect and how to prepare yourself for the journey. IVF takes time and getting ready for it is important – and we don’t just mean financially. We mean that you must be prepared emotionally and physically as well. To help you with this, we have jotted down the most important things you must know before starting IVF.

IVF requires patience and optimism

The procedure involves multiple steps and cycles that can stretch for weeks. Different couples respond differently to the treatment and that is why it can be stressful to go through it. There’s no formula about body response and the time it will take for the procedure to show results. This is why, we urge you to have a patient and optimistic mindset right from the get-go.

Around 50% of couples see results in the first cycle but the rest require at least one additional cycle. Each cycle takes about 4 weeks. If the first cycle does not show results, it is very crucial not to be disappointed and worried. Brace yourself for the journey along with your partner – there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

The cost is an important consideration

Cost is a huge factor because the procedure can be expensive. However, the approach here must be different. There are many important things to consider to understand whether you will get value for money. A few of these are as follows:

  • The success rate of the clinic: Good clinics usually have an excellent success rate, making them more suitable. The chances of having to go through fewer cycles are also high if the success rate is good. This means that even if the cost is slightly on the higher end, you will save money on the whole and there will be less hassle as well.
  • Transparency: Hidden costs are a major concern in most cases. What’s discussed upfront may not appear in the final invoice due to a large number of charges that the clinic initially does not speak about. Speaking to the doctors will give you a fair idea about this. Notice how open they are about the procedure, whether they are giving out details of the cycles, etc. and you will be able to tell if they are transparent. Reviews come in handy here as well. So, be sure to explore them.
  • Whether it is a specialty clinic: A super-specialty clinic accommodates multiple disciplines of medicine and may not be the right choice especially during a pandemic. A specialty clinic, on the other hand, is much safer. Also, since the entire clinic is dedicated to IVF and infertility, there will be better equipment, expert doctors, focus, and better success rate.
  • How long the clinic has been in business: This factor will help you understand how well the clinic has fared and whether it is thriving in the space. If the clinic is new, you may not have previous results to go by.
  • Payment options: Does the clinic offer 0% EMI? If yes, check if the cycle rates are higher than its competitors. Does it have tie-ups with banks for loans? This may help you get a loan without extra trouble.

When you evaluate the IVF cost, it is crucial that you tap into each of these points. It will give you a 360-degree understanding of the clinic, making the choosing process quite easy.

Your body needs to prepare

Physical preparation is a must for the IVF procedure and the 9-month journey after conception. Your body must be ready for it. In other words, it should be fit and healthy. If you lead a rather unhealthy lifestyle such as low physical activity, smoking, obesity, etc., you have to start working on it. The great news is that a few simple changes can have a huge impact on sperm count and your fertility. So, based on your partner’s and your physical fitness, you can start taking the necessary steps. A few doctors may also recommend a specific IVF diet. You will need to follow this for at least 2 months before you can start the IVF procedure.

Stress is harmful

Anxiety and confusion are a part of the IVF journey especially in the beginning but these factors lead to stress. Stress makes conception harder than it needs to be. This is because it directly affects the body! Multiple studies have, in fact, proven that women who did not stress much during the process were more likely to see positive results.

We realize that it is easier said than done. Stress is an obvious part of a life-altering process especially when you don’t know what to expect. This is why, the best way to avoid stress is to learn about the process, what to expect, and what needs to be done. We recommend that you choose a good IVF clinic and speak to the doctors regularly. Have all your questions answered so that you know exactly what to expect. This will ward off the fear of the unknown quite significantly.

Be prepared for some discomfort

We have seen many couples fret about pain and discomfort due to the medication. The injections themselves are standard and do not cause much pain. But, they have been known to show side-effects such as breast tenderness, mood swings, and abdominal pain. Headaches, nausea, and bloating may also be experienced. Having said that, you must note that “severe” pain is not very common. It only happens to a few women. Progesterone shots may also cause bruising and pain.

It can be incredibly difficult to take so much pain but we urge you to look at the bigger picture – 9 months down the line, you will realize that the pain was indeed worth it.

You may need a support system

The burden of infertility is indeed too much to take. Adding to this, the taboo surrounding it, the fear of society, and the worry to keep it under the covers can be too much to handle. You and your partner must emotionally be there for each other, of course, but you will also need a support system of your closest family members and friends. They will provide a comforting shoulder through the process.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to the ones you trust the most – they are there for you.

It may not feel like it at the moment, but something wonderful will come out of this journey. Choosing a good IVF clinic and working closely with your doctor will alleviate most of the stress around it. We hope the aforementioned points work in a positive light as you begin what we hope will be a magical phase in your life.

Choosing the right IVF clinic in Chandigarh

If you are on the lookout for a specialty IVF centre in Chandigarh, we invite you to check Reviva Infertility and IVF Centre Chandigarh. We provide state-of-the-art medical services to help and support you through the treatment. Our success rate is around 50-60% and we offer the most competitive IVF costs in Chandigarh. Contact us to know more and book an appointment.

Fertility Treatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Fertility Treatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Fertility Treatment During COVID-19

Over the past few weeks, our TV channels, newsfeeds,social media platforms have been filled with terms such as ‘social distancing‘ flatten the curve’ due to the global pandemic i.e. COVID-19. There is no denying in saying that this pandemic has pressed a pause button to the world.
Whether its planned vacations, weddings, big conferences, sports events or world championships – everything is on hold.

Now that the world is facing a global health crisis, the cloud of ambiguity and uncertainty is looming larger than ever as many people are questioning how the current restrictions will impact their ability to start or grow their families. Infertility itself is a situation that endures anxiety, feeling of helplessness and fear about the future – and now, there’s COVID-19 pandemic on top of it all.

Current Situation

Given the unknown effects of COVID-19 on fertility treatment, reproductive medicine societies have recommended the suspension of new infertility treatment cycles during this time. Couples and especially women who have invested their time and a lot of money in their treatment may be frustrated and anxious about the impact of this enforced, yet indefinite delay on their chances of conceiving. This whole situation has put the health care providers in the difficult position of trying to balance the patient’s needs with the current government mandates and expert recommendations.

Infertility Care during COVID-19

There are some guidelines issued by the reproductivemedical associations and authorities to ensure that all patients and staff tobe kept as safe as possible by reducing exposure and therefore complications that may arise.

With concerning to infertility treatments during the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been advised to:

  • Suspend commencement of new treatment cycles,
    including intrauterine  insemination,
    ovulation induction; and in vitro fertilisation, including frozen embryo
    transfers, retrievals, and also suspend non-urgent gamete cryopreservation.
  • Cancel all embryo transfers, whether fresh or frozen.
  • Continue to provide care and support to patients who
    are currently ‘in cycle’ or who require urgent cryopreservation and
  • Suspend all the elective surgeries and non – urgent
    diagnostic procedures.

How REVIVA is combating the Infertility Treatments
amidst COVID-19?

Its understandable that it can be devastating for those couples who have been trying so hard to build and grow their families to now have to delay treatment due to COVID-19. The goal of this communication is to help patients to have a clearer understanding of the recommendations issued by the government and to help answer questions they may have. Thus, we are providing after-care and support via phone calls whilst keeping your safety on the forefront.

Q: Are elective medical procedures are supposed to stop;
are IVF and other fertility treatments are included in this?

A: Infertility is nothing but a disease, and getting treatment of infertility is medically necessary. IVF treatment is extremely time-sensitive and important but not a medical emergency like treatment of ruptured appendix. We know that many other non-emergency treatments are also being postponed during this crisis scattered globally.

Q: I want to pursue IVF or other fertility treatments.
Should I delay care during the COVID-19 pandemic?

A: To deal with the infertility treatment is in itself is quite daunting, especially when you’re pursuing the dream of starting or growing your family. This COVID-19 crisis has come like an unexpected challenge in the way and the government here and around the world has restricted IVF fertility centre in performing treatments.

As fertility care requires a lot of interaction and communication with many people and person-to-person meet which might increase the likelihood of getting infected in one way or the other. so, this is why we have postponed infertility care until the crisis passes.

Q: Are my frozen embryos, eggs, or sperm safe?

A: Yes. As there is no immediate threat to the safety of cryopreserved eggs, embryos, or sperm. We have some policies and advanced procedures which maintain the life of embryos, eggs and sperm.

Q: How safe is the clinic and what cleaning protocols
it is following?

A: Our clinic is following all the cleaning and safety protocols mandatory as per the government regulations. We have been keeping aclose check on every nook and corner and our cleaning staff is taking care diligently. And, we would be following these measures even after this crisis gets over for the safety of our patients and staff members.

Q: Can I still have a medical, counselling or nurse
consent consultation?

Right now, we are encouraged to minimize in-person interactions and instead utilising Telehealth conversations via phone or video chat. Patients who are undergoing through a fertility cycle and need after-care, we are here for you providing support and all the possible options.

Therefore, COVID-19 has cast the future of IVF and the fertility sector into uncertainty.

To be noted, if you have been exposed to COVID-19 or may be at risk, we recommend you to postpone the treatment until cleared by your primary health care provider. This is all in the interest of your safety and the safety of our staff members and other patients. For more information,
 You can email us or call us. We all are in this together.

As we are facing this unprecedented health crisis due to the wide-spread of the coronavirus, we recognise and appreciate the efforts and response of the entire army of doctors, staffs, and nurses who are tirelessly doing their jobs and helping the patients from this dreadful disease.

Getting pregnant after 40 and the treatment options

Getting pregnant after 40 and the treatment options

Pregnancy After 40

The reproductive potential of a woman declines after 40. So, chances of natural conception reduce with age. Delaying in pregnancy can be due medical reasons or lifestyle which can be a leading cause of ovarian aging. Women are born with millions of eggs but with age, the quality & number of eggs become less. But if natural conception is not happening due to age factor then a patient must go for a fertility checkup.

How pregnancy can be achieved in 40’s?

Achieving pregnancy after 40’s needs a healthy lifestyle. Taking good care of health, eating a healthy diet, and regular exercise can improve the chance of your pregnancy. Since the age is the major factor so if a woman has aged more than 40 yrs & trying for a baby without any success then the patient should seek the advice of a fertility doctor. The infertility factor can either be associated with male or female. So it is important to know the cause. In women, the problem can be blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, infections, fibroids etc. In males, the problems can be with semen sample like, Azoospermia, oligospermia, Globozoospermia etc. IVF treatment for such patients is the only answer to achieve a successful pregnancy.

If a couple is undergoing IVF treatment patient must undergo necessary investigations to make a correct diagnosis. In women, blood investigation is performed to check the hormonal levels – Estrogen, progesterone, LH levels, AMH level (check ovarian reserve), followed by Ultrasound to monitor any fibroid or lesions etc. Whereas, in male blood tests for viral markers, semen analysis & culture is done.

Treatment available after 40

Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) process which is commonly known as Invitro Fertilization (IVF) is the treatment available for such patients. Through IVF treatment, it is to ensure that a patient is able to get children after taking proper treatment. In the process, the embryo is made outside the human body in in-vitro conditions and on Day 3 or Day 5 it is transferred to the uterus for further development. The whole treatment can be done in 2 weeks.

Name of some treatment Available:

  • IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)
  • IVF (Invitro-Fertilization)
  • ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)
  • LAH (Laser Assisted Hatching)

Reviva Fertility clinic & IVF Centre in Chandigarh offers you all kind of latest fertility techniques to treat infertility problem.

Egg freezing Process

Egg freezing Process

Egg freezing Process

Egg freezing is the process of freezing mature or immature oocytes below sub-zero temperatures. These oocytes can be thawed & matured under in vitro conditions & can be fertilized using appropriate techniques. Good pregnancy rates have been seen from such embryos derived from oocyte freezing. In view of the fact that the egg freezing has drawn a lot of attention in the field of reproductive medicine, the indications for oocyte freezing are given below.

  • Women of reproductive age undergoing chemotherapy for cancer treatment.
  • Unable to get sperm for IVF/ICSI during treatment
  • Egg donation programme
  • When women wish to have family in the later stage due to their personal reasons.
  • History of premature ovarian failure (POF)
  • In PCOS patients when stimulation is merged with in vitro maturation (IVM) method.

Process of freezing

After egg retrieval, the embryologist (an expert in oocyte freezing) will wash & incubate the oocytes for approx 2 hrs. The process starts with denudation in which the cumulus cells which surround the oocytes are denuded to know the maturity of eggs. During the freezing process, the oocyte has to undergo various biological changes. Firstly, it is treated with Equilibration Solution (ES) – high concentration of penetrating cryoprotectants like glycerol DMSO, propanediol, etc which replace the water content of cell with cryoprotectants. Then the oocytes are treated with Vitrification solution (VS) which is a combination of permeating & non-permeating agents (Rafflose, Trehalose, etc). Then it is directly exposed to liquid nitrogen. Due to this highly viscous medium its forms a glassy substance at low temperature. The procedure is very rapid any delay can cause damage to the oocytes like spindle damage etc.

Advantages of Oocyte freezing:

  • Social egg freezing offered to women under the age of 38 yrs who want to start their family at later stages. It adds a possibility to have a healthy & genetically related child.
  • Fertility preservation for young women with cancer.
  • Reduces need of a donor
  • Reduces the number of treatment performed at advanced maternal ages.

A couple needs to understand the impact of age on their fertility. Egg freezing is an alternate option for those people who are facing such kind of problems as discussed in the above article.

For more information, you can reach us for more information.

Importance of Quality Control in IVF Lab

Importance of Quality Control in IVF Lab

uality Control in IVF Lab

Quality control (QC) is the most important component of the IVF Clinic. QC evaluates the quality of the procedure & its outcome. It is mandatory to monitor laboratory conditions (Air Quality, Temperature, and VOC’s etc), Stimulation protocols, Culture media & technical skill coordination etc to ensure quality control. The IVF lab which follows good laboratory practices they can facilitate the results of IVF by giving the best outcome to their patients.

Need of Quality Control in IVF Lab

  • It ensures the quality of the procedure
  • Increase the success rate
  • Increase the reliability of IVF lab
  • Complete traceability & Documentation
  • Build up IVF team confidence 

IVF Laboratory Equipments


The change in temperature & Co2 level can affect the oocytes & embryos quality. So, carbon dioxide & temperature should be recorded on daily basis. If anything altered it should be calibrated as per requirement.

Laminar Air Flow

The laminar flow need to clean on daily basis before & after the completion of task.


The location of the refrigerator should be outside the core embryology area as it releases harmful gases which are not good for IVF Lab. Also thermometer should be placed inside the refrigerator to see the temp on daily basis.


They should be cleaned everyday to remove unwanted dust particles.

Heated Stages

Temperature is a very crucial parameter as it can cause spindle damages etc. So, gametes handling should be done strictly on heated stages at 37°c to avoid any kind of damage.

Below given table will help to know that how often the test is done to check equipment working.


Quality Control IVF Lab

Culture Media

Culture Media 



Laminar Air Flow



Heated Stages


CO2 ,Temp




Heated Stages







Oocytes & embryo are very sensitive & a little change in their environment like ph, osmolarity etc can cause harmful effects to them. So the cultural conditions should be favorable for them. So it is important to understand the need of culture media

  • While receiving media from any company ensure that the cold chain of media is well maintained. Never accept broken seal of the order.
  • Always see the expiration date of Culture media before use in any case.
  • Always store your media in refrigerator with required temperature conditions.

IVF Laboratory Environment:

The laboratory environment is mostly affected by the following reasons:

  • If clinic is located near to construction sites, on highway, factories then there are a major risk of dust particles & pollutants. So, Hepa Filter is necessary for such laboratory. As it removes 99.99% of small 0.3 microns in size dust particles.
  • Use of cosmetics in IVF should be prohibited. Cosmetics emit VOC’s & can cause negative effect to embryos.
  • Laboratory cleaning is done on daily basis using disinfectants.
  • If any kind of fluid spilage is found then it should be cleaned with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite. 

Protocols to be followed when working IVF Laboratory: 

  • IVF Laboratory should have well trained staff. The embryology work is very sensitive so expertise is required.
  • The laboratory should keep on updating the protocols. Inhouse modifications in methodology should be done for betterment.
  • IVF Lab should remain up to date with the latest technology.
  • Dishes Preparation should be done at room temperature. One culture dish is prepared at a time to maintain the osmolarity.
  • Ethical practice while handling the gametes. Label the dishes before OPU. Avoid mixing of samples by labeling containers.
  • Witnessing should be a compulsory practice in IVF laboratory.
  • Wearing gloves, cap & mask in laboratory is must. Hand washing is essential before entering IVF laboratory.
  • Discard sharp objectives & pipettes after single use.
  • The documentation is very important in IVF lab system. It helps to recall the past events. So proper documentation in IVF is necessity. For eg: Patient Records, QC data, Complaint Data 

QC is the essential component of IVF laboratory. It is our responsibility not a burden. Infact, it helps in troubleshoot. QC ensures the success rate & even the reputation of the clinic. And we at Reviva Fertility Clinic & IVF Centre In Chandigarh follow all the ethical practices & make sure at every step that the outcome should not be affected at any cost. For more information on the IVF Procedur and their Cost in Chandigarh  you can contact us: 9915004407

Embryo Implantation, Process & their stages – Reviva IVF

Embryo Implantation, Process & their stages – Reviva IVF

Stages of Implantation

What happens in your uterine cavity after the implantation of an embryo? Let’s have detailed information about implantation through this blog.

What is Implantation?

It is the process in which the fertilized egg or a blastocyst gets attached to the endometrial wall of the uterus to attain pregnancy. During this stage, the embryo establishes a strong connection with the maternal circulation and starts its embryonic developmental journey.

The endometrium is receptive to a fertilized egg for a shorter period in the luteal phase which is termed as “Implantation window”. The window lasts for 4 days & follows up to 6 days after the peak of LH levels. It is essential for the blastocyst to reach the endometrium during the implantation window in order to get a successful implantation. Any delay in the blastocyst transport can cause loss of endometrial receptivity. Blastocyst Implantation occurs 6-8 days after fertilization.

Embryo Implantation process is mainly divided into three stages:

  1. Apposition 
  2. Adhesion 
  3. Invasion

1. Apposition:

In this stage, the blastocyst sheds its zona and approaches the endometrium with a particular orientation. The finger-like projections known as chorionic villi help to bring the blastocyst nearer to the uterine epithelium. The uterine epithelium cells have glycoprotein on their surface which acts as a barrier between blastocyst and endometrium. The blastocyst uses its enzymes to digest the glycoprotein which results in the interlinking of trophoectoderm with luminal epithelial cells.

2. Adhesion:

Attachment occurs on the 6th or 7th day post-ovulation. At this stage, a strong association is established between endometrium and blastocyst. Due to enzymatic breakage of glycoprotein, the adhesion molecules (includes cadherins, integrins, glycan, & lectin etc.) in blastocyst and endometrium have free access to each other.

3. Invasion:

In this stage, the embryo needs to connect with the mother for development. The blastocyst completely penetrates the endometrium by day 9. The blastocyst consists of two main components – The trophoblast & the Inner Cell Mass (ICM). The function of trophoblast cells in the embryo is to invade the endometrium to build a maternal connection with an embryo. The Inner cell mass gives rise to a fetus. As embryonic trophoblast makes contact with endometrium it further differentiates into two layers: Cytotrophoblast & Syncytiotrophoblast. 

The ICM in the embryo makes two differentiated layers hypoblast & Epiblast. The cavity that arises between Epiblast & Cytotrophoblast is known as amniotic cavity. Cells originate from hypoblast which forms a thin membrane called as exocoelomic membrane. Cells of hypoblast and exocoelomic membrane form a wall of the primary yolk sac. The growth of trophoblast forms Cytotrophoblast & Syncytiotrophoblast becomes quicker at this stage. The lacunar networks begin to form in the Syncytiotrophoblast & by the 12th  day the lacunar networks stop growing. The uterine blood vessels in the endometrium come in contact with lacunar networks which directs the placental trophoblast to maternal blood circulation. Also, the endometrial stroma becomes a dense cellular matrix called decidua, which afterwards becomes the maternal part of the placenta.

In Assisted reproduction, the key cause of implantation failure is the hatching disability of the embryo. Presently, no research is available to distinguish the embryos which can hatch and grow into a healthy embryo. No hatching is a possible reason for pregnancy failure in many elderly women. In that case, zona pellucida can be disrupted by using a laser-assisted hatching technique to improve the pregnancy rate. Reviva Fertility Clinic & IVF Center In Chandigarh offers all the latest techniques which can treat various types of infertility.

For more information about infertility please visit our website www.revivaivf.com


Culture Media

Culture Media

Culture Media

Assisted Reproductive Technology results have been improved due to the improvement in culture media conditions. There are number of commercially available culture media in the market with components like protein, antioxidants, carbohydrates etc. In this blog, we are going to discuss the key components of media & how they support to embryo growth.

What is Culture Media?

Culture media is the artificial environment given to the embryos for growth & development. Culture media is based on two philosophies:

  • Back to nature Principle
  • Let embryo decide the principle

In nature principle, the media components try to imitate the components of a female reproductive system .Which means the media is formulated sequentially according to the embryo developmental need i.e. from zygote to a blastocyst. Whereas, Embryo chooses principle is single step or monoculture formulation in which the media is supplemented with all the macromolecules and then embryo utilize the macromolecules according to its requirements.

Key Components of Embryo Culture Media

Most of the culture media are made up of 99% of water. As, the goodness of media depends upon the quality of water. So, the water sources should be good.


The role of ions in the media is to maintain the osmolarity. The ions present in culture media is Na, Cl, P, Ca, Mg, S, K, etc. Osmolarity of medium affects cell volume & embryo development. Elevated osmolarity can result into developmental arrest. Osmolalities of culture media should be in the range of 260 to 298 milliosmoles.


Carbohydrates are the key source of energy for embryo growth. The media consist of pyruvate, lactate and glucose. In the initial stage of development pre compacted embryo utilizes the pyruvate as primary source of energy .However, in post compaction stage the embryos use glucose for expansion.

Amino Acid

These are important regulators serve as energy sources. Essential & non essential amino acid stimulates the production of ICM of blastocyst. Whereas trophoectoderm formation & hatching in blastocyst is initiated by non-essential amino acids (Glutamine).


Invitro embryos when exposed to culture conditions they may experience oxidative stress due to production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Which have a negative impact on the development of embryo. Media should be supplemented with antioxidants such as Lipoate to avoid stress on embryo produced by ROS.


To avoid bacterial contamination in culture media antibiotics like gentamycin, streptomycin are added to media.


 Protein is the common macromolecule in human embryo culture media such as Human Serum Albumin (HSA). It aids in embryo development. They also maintain membrane permeability & osmoregulation while manipulation of gamete in vitro.

Buffer System

The suggested pH range for culture media is 7.2 -7.4. Most of the culture media have bicarbonate buffer system to sustain the pH in the tolerable range. For handling gametes outside the incubator HEPES & MOPS are preferred.

Growth Factors & Hormones

Embryos are exposed to a blend of maternal hormones & the role of hormones in embryo development is uncertain. Growth factors have considerably role in growth & differentiation of Day4 Morula to a Day 5 Blastocyst. Even due to the addition of growth factors to the media have drastically improved the implantation rates.