
Reviva IVF

Low Ovarian Reserve:


The ovaries are an essential component of the complex reproductive process of women. They protect the priceless eggs that give rise to life. Low ovarian reserve is a barrier some women may face on the path to pregnancy.
The condition can be difficult and emotionally exhausting. But with the right information, people can navigate this terrain more confidently and clearly.
Ovarian Reserve

What is Low Ovarian Reserve?

  • This is a medical condition wherein a woman’s ovaries contain fewer eggs than typical for her age.
  • This condition signifies a reduced potential for conception and decreased fertility due to decreased quantity and sometimes compromised quality of eggs. This condition can make it challenging to achieve pregnancy, elevate the risk of infertility & potentially accelerate the onset of menopause.

Diagnostic Methods

(Involves blood tests to assess hormone levels associated with ovarian function, including AMH & FSH). While it doesn’t guarantee infertility, individuals with this condition might encounter difficulties achieving natural pregnancy, they might explore fertility interventions such as IVF to enhance their likelihood of conception.

Understanding Low Ovarian Reserve: Unravelling the Causes

Diminished or reduced ovarian reserve, is a condition characterized by a limited supply of eggs of inferior quality within the ovaries. Since a woman possesses a fixed number of eggs from birth, these phenomena naturally transpire with age progression.
Ovarian Reserve Over the Years

Some of the causes of low ovarian reserve are:

✓Medical procedures
✓Unhealthy lifestyle choices
✓Influence of environmental factors

Recognizing the Symptoms

✓Irregular menstrual cycle
✓Hormones fluctuations
✓Abnormal bleeding
✓Fertility struggles
✓Diminished egg quality

Exploring effective treatments: Navigating the path forward

  • IVF
  • Egg donation
  • Treatment for infertility
  • Genetic testing for embryo implantation
  • Expert consultation
Conclusion: Empowered by knowledge, guided by hope
The journey through low ovarian reserve may be intricate, but armed with accurate information and supported by the skilled medical team at REVIVA fertility and IVF clinic, individuals can find their way toward realizing their dreams of parenthood. For more information, contact us at +91-9915004407.