
Reviva IVF

Endocrine Assessment what is it?

Endocrine Assessment what is it?

How does it affect fertility?

Endocrine Assessment- Hormone tests were carried out as part of the first examination of women seeking reproduction treatment is known as endocrine evaluation also known as an endocrine profile, is a blood test to measure the levels of many hormones in the blood, including oestradiol, progesterone, prolactin, testosterone, thyroid function & anti-mullerian hormone (AMH).
Endocrine Assessment

How do hormone imbalances affect fertility & what causes them?

Hormones levels can be impacted by unhealthy lifestyles:
These problems may lead to irregular menstruation, affecting egg maturation, ovulation and pregnancy implantation. More crucially, any direct or indirect health issue affecting the reproduction system, particularly the ovaries & tests can cause hormonal imbalances, which can suggest a person’s incapacity to release eggs or generate healthy sperm.

What part do different hormones play in the process of reproduction:-

Takeaway:- Endocrine assessment is a crucial process that helps doctors to identify hormonal imbalances that can lead to various health conditions.


Overall, endocrine assessment plays a critical role in maintaining overall health & well-being. REVIVA Fertility & IVF Clinic is one of the best fertility clinics in CHD. If you want to know more about endocrine assessment or still have questions, call us at 9915004407. We are here to help.

Importance of Genetic testing (PGT) of embryos for abnormalities

Importance of Genetic testing (PGT) of embryos for abnormalities

Genetic testing (PGT)
Our breakthrough is preimplantation genetic screening (PGT-A) of embryos for abnormalities.

#PGT offers voluble insights into the genetic composition of embryos

Helping couples make informed decisions & significantly improving the chances of a successful pregnancy.

#Here we will explore the importance of genetic testing (PGT) of embryos for abnormalities & its numerous benefits


It allows the selection of embryos with the highest likelihood of developing into the healthy pregnancies by screening for chromosomal abnormalities.

Detecting Genetic Abnormalities:-

It enables the identification of chromosomal abnormalities such as aneuploidy or structural rearrangements.This information helps determine the viability and health of embryos before they are transferred into the uterus.

Reducing the Risk of Genetic Disorder:-

Improving Success Rates of Assisted Reproductive:- By selecting embryos with the correct number of structures of chromosomes, PGT enhances the success rates of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as IVF.

Ethical Considerations Includes:

Handling of excess embryos

Psychological impact of screening for certain conditions

Embryo Biopsy Genetic Testing Methods Result Analysis
Few cells are carefully extracted from each embryo for genetic testing. Includes (NGS) Next generation sequencing or (PCR).
Occurs on 3rd day after fertilization or during blastocyst stage.    

Day 3 Embryo Biopsy


Day 5 Embryo Biopsy

PGT Limitations

Its important to acknowledge its limitations:
  1. PGT does not guarantee the birth of a healthy baby, as it cannot detect all genetic abnormalities or address mom – genetic factors that may affect pregnancy.

    So, there is still 1% risk of abnormalities in baby.

  2. False +VE or False –VE results can occur, leading to incorrect interpretations of embryo viability.
By leveraging the power of genetic testing, couples can increase their chances of achieving a healthy pregnancy and welcoming a child into the world.

Hand Foot Mouth Disease

Hand Foot Mouth Disease


What Is It?

Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease is a type of viral infection that causes ulcers in the mouth and blisters on the feet, hands and buttocks.

It is caused by coxsackievirus A16.

How Does HFMD Spread?

HFMD is contagious and can spread through Blister’s fluids, Feces, Sliva, Poop, and Mucus.
Hand Foot Mouth Disease Spread

Hand Foot & Mouth Disease Symptoms:

Hand Foot Mouth Disease Symptoms

Who Is At The Risk Of HFMD?

  • Young children under 5 and
  • Adults with low immunity
Child with HFMD Sign

How Is HFMD Diagnosed?

  • Physical exam for the appearance of blisters and rashes.
  • A stool test confirms HFMD.

How Is HFMD Treated?

hfmd care

Prevention Measures For HFMD:

Prevention For HFMD

Carry Home Message-:

Unfortunately, there’s no cure and vaccine available to prevent Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease, but your healthcare provider can help make you more comfortable during recovery. In addition, HFMD is a fairly painful but not serious condition, and its symptoms usually clear up within 7 to 10 days.

Monkeypox -What Is It?

Monkeypox -What Is It?

Monkeypox is a disease caused by the Monkeypox virus (MPXV).

Monkeypox Outbreak 2022

MPXV was first detected in 1958 in the colonies of monkeys in West and Central Africa.

Till late July 2022, the CDC agency (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) confirmed 16,800 cases of Monkeypox virus worldwide.

The first case of Monkeypox virus in India was reported in Kerala on 14 July 2022 and the figure is continuously increasing.

How Does Monkeypox Spread?

  • Can spread through close contact.
  • Can also spread through bites, scratches, or bodily fluids.
Monkeypox Spread

Signs & Symptoms Associated With Monkeypox

Monkeypox virus Signs & Symptoms
How MPX Diagnosed?
  • It is through a tissue sample taken from a lesion.
  • A blood sample confirms Monkeypox disease.
  • Doctor monitors and treats symptomatically.
  • No approved antiviral drug is available to cure this virus.
Things to do after Monkeypox virus
Carry Home Message-:
IVF Carry Home Message
Monkeypox is rare, and there is no specific treatment for this disease. But, your healthcare provider can help you feel comfortable and prevent serious complications. So, don’t panic and call your doctor immediately after noticing the above-mentioned signs of the Monkeypox virus.

Fertility Tests For Women

Fertility Tests For Women

Fertility Tests For Women

It’s a scary thought – being unable to conceive.

If you have been trying for months and if each passing day is making you worry that there’s a problem, it may be time for a fertility test.

Getting tested to pinpoint the problem is always a wise choice because it removes suspicion and helps you prepare for the future in an informed manner. Otherwise, you may continuously worry, imagining the worst. This kind of stress is not good for conception either.

We have listed out a few common fertility tests for women that you can consider.

Blood tests

A blood test will determine if you suffer from an infection or STI (sexually transmitted infection). This is important because if you have had an STI before or if you have any inflammation, conception could be difficult.


The doctor may suggest a TVS ultrasound or a pelvic ultrasound to check your ovarian reserve as well as the follicles. If there are multiple follicles, it is good news!

The ultrasound will also help find out if there are cysts or fibroids. Polycystic ovaries are common and among the leading reasons for infertility today.

Hormone tests

Certain hormones are very crucial in reproduction. Low levels of these hormones can ring the alarm bells. Thus, a hormone test will be able to clear the air. Since there are multiple reproductive hormones, you might undergo multiple tests. Below are the hormones you must get tested.

Follicle stimulating hormone

Commonly called FSH, this hormone stimulates the growth of follicles in the ovaries. Increase in FSH causes follicles to be stimulated. They then produce estrogen and grow. One of them grows the most and this is when the ovulation process begins. If you lack FSH, you will not be able to ovulate.


Estradiol regulates menstruation. High or low amounts of this hormone spell trouble because:

  • High estradiol indicates lower ovarian reserve
  • Low estradiol is a sign of PCOS

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

Also known as TSH, doctors will check for its levels as well because thyroid problems are known to cause many fertility problems. Both, hypo and hyperthyroidism are bad for fertility.


Under normal circumstances, progesterone levels are high after ovulation (around a week after). As you near the time of your next period, the levels will drop. It is very important to time the test right to get accurate results. If your periods are irregular, you may not get the right results.

Note: Due to the sensitivity of timing, this test is not very dependable


Prolactin works to inhibit FSH, forcing it to stop follicular stimulation. High levels of this hormone could indicate PCOS. Extremely high levels could be a sign of a tumor.

If you have no issues with your periods and your progesterone levels are normal, this test can be skipped unless there are other clinical indicators.

Luteinizing Hormone

This hormone works just like FSH. Its levels go up right around the time of ovulation. This is the only time this hormone’s levels should be up (24-48 hours). At any other time during the menstrual cycle, if the hormone surges, it could be due to polycystic ovaries. Lower than normal levels immediately before ovulation indicate that your menstrual cycle is not normal.

Anti-Mullerian Hormone

This is a basic test that reveals the number of follicles that are growing. However, it won’t indicate the quality of the eggs.

Cervical mucus test

The consistency of the cervical mucus changes through the menstrual cycle. Examining it and testing its components will help determine if your periods are normal and if there are any sperm-killing antibodies in it.

Advanced fertility tests for women

Let’s walk through a few advanced fertility tests that the doctor may recommend after the basic tests.


The surgeon will inject a camera through holes created near the public hairline to get a check if all reproductive organs are okay. This test will also help find scars or endometrial growths.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Commonly called MRI, this test helps assess the uterine wall. It is recommended in case there’s endometrial growth on the uterus, painful periods, IVF failures, etc.

Note: This is an expensive procedure.


This test helps determine the presence of polyp growth and scarring through a small camera. It is inserted through the vagina.

Endometrial biopsy

This test is conducted between the 18th and 28th days of the menstrual cycle. The doctor will take a tiny piece of the uterine lining to check its development when progesterone is released.

Saline hysterogram

The doctor will inject a saline solution in the uterus to check abnormal growth, polyps, etc.


This is an X-ray that checks the condition of the tubes and uterus. The doctor injects a radio-opaque dye to facilitate this.

Tests help determine the current situation and pave the way forward. You will be able to work with your doctor to get the right treatment and conceive as quickly as possible.

Reviva IVF – A fertility treatment centre close to your home!

Reviva IVF is a leading fertility and IVF centre in Chandigarh. We have a team of dedicated medical experts who will work closely with you and recommend the right fertility tests based on your situation. We will walk with you from day 1 and ensure that this is not a cumbersome process for you. To book an appointment, get in touch with us now!