
Reviva IVF

Reviva Clinic – One of The Best in IVF Treatments

Reviva Clinic – One of The Best in IVF Treatments

The Best IVF Treatments in Chandigarh

Infertility has become a more frequent problem today. The modern lifestyle and environmental factors have been able to affect the fertility of many men and women in a significant way. If you are one of those living in the anguish and thinking about an IVF treatment, India could be the best place to visit for your treatments.

India is one of the leading destinations for advanced IVF treatments in the world today. Therefore, it is no surprise that many infertile patients from around the world come to India gathering their hope to succeed. While there are many IVF centers in different parts of the country, the best IVF center in India, namely Reviva clinic is located in Chandigarh. As Reviva clinic boasts about its highest success rate, the number of patients visiting for treatments has significantly increased each year and is still on the rise.

India is one of the most medically advanced countries in Asia and possesses all know-how strategies and modern technology to treat men and women who look forward to having a child. Reviva clinic being the best IVF center in Chandigarh possesses the modern technology and access to advanced interventions, which were once available only in the leading countries of the Western world. Today, you can visit Reviva clinic and experience the state-of-the-art medical care and be sure of a higher success rate. While you get treated at the best IVF center in India for your treatments, you can also enjoy the calming nature, warm hospitality and a rich culture that will even increase your hopefulness towards success.

Nothing is more comforting than being surrounded by a team of medical specialists who understands and work towards your success. This is what the Reviva Clinic – the best IVF center in Chandigarh has expertise in. A group of specialized medical professionals works together in the IVF centre, and they prioritize the individual needs of every patient in order to achieve success.

One of the best reasons to get IVF treatments in India is the lower cost. Yes, although Reviva clinic is the best IVF center in India, the cost is almost as half as of that is in the advanced countries of the world. State of the art, advanced strategies, and modern interventions would not be accessible at a lower cost in any other part of the world as you would in India. This has allowed many couples to save money for their childbirth rather than spending it all on the IVF treatments.

Reviva clinic is not only specialized in IVF treatments but also carry out other advanced fertility treatments such as ovulation induction, follicular monitoring, IUI, surgical sperm retrieval, oocyte donation, etc. You could find many solutions under a single roof, and that is why we say that Reviva clinic is the best IVF center in Chandigarh.

If you are looking forward to making your dream come true and to get the world’s best medical care, then you are in the right place. Come and get treated in the best IVF center in India!

Ovarian Rejuvenation

Ovarian Rejuvenation

Ovarian Rejuvenation
Revolution in the medical sciences provides a chance to women to revitalize their ovaries by a therapy called ovarian rejuvenation. The therapy offers hope to those patients who have problems like low Oocyte reserve, premature ovarian failure, early menopause problems, and Anti-Mullerian hormone levels.

It is a fact that, a woman is born with millions of Oocyte in her ovaries and as she grows up the egg supply declines in number and in quality as well. It seems quite impossible to develop new eggs in the ovaries naturally. But, according to the recent researches, it is possible to regenerate new eggs with the help of patient’s blood cells. Blood cells have growth factors which help to heal various types of injuries in the body. Growth factors can stimulate the growth of new blood vessels, nerve and connective tissues by the activation of Stem Cells.  And stem cells have a power of regeneration.

Ovarian Rejuvenation Procedure

Ovarian rejuvenation can be done on anytime on women with or without menstruation cycle. The procedure has two steps:

Step 1:

The First step is to isolate the PRP (Platelet-rich plasma), Preparation of PRP begins with the insertion of a needle into the vein in order to get blood in the test tubes. Platelets and White blood cells (WBCs) are separated from the red blood cells (RBCs) and serum by centrifugation process which takes approximately one hour to prepare PRP.

Step 2:

The Second step is Administration of PRP into Ovaries, under an intravenously administered anaesthesia. The isolated PRP (supplied with protein-rich growth factor and stem cell chemoattractants) is injected into the ovaries specifically in the cortical tissue of the patient with the help of transvaginal ultrasound.

Ovarian Rejuvenation has the utmost benefit that it gives a chance to women to become pregnant from her own eggs naturally and also helps in improvement in hormone levels.

After Procedure Precautions

After the procedure, it is very important to keep an eye on AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone), FSH, LH and Estradiol levels along with the ovarian function for 1- 3 months. The values will help to know the positive working of ovarian rejuvenation. Usually, the improvement shows up in 1-3 months but in some cases, it takes more than that. So, the monitoring is done up to 6 months. But the treatment is still in research phase. If ovarian rejuvenation treatment shows a promising future, and then it could help many women who have various types of age-related infertility problems.