
Reviva IVF

REVIVA IVF FERTILITY CLINIC– IVF Centre in Chandigarh & Patiala

REVIVA IVF FERTILITY CLINIC– IVF Centre in Chandigarh & Patiala


Often left helpless, many couples struggling with infertility have to rely on fertility clinics.

REVIVA IVF and Fertility Clinic in Chandigarh, has gained some notable demand for advanced fertility treatments. As a result, it starts to emerge as breeding grounds for hope. Here’s why REVIVA is to be considered the best IVF center in CHD & what drives couples to invest their hope in this establishment.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injecton (ICSI)

Understanding Fertility Challenges:

Facing problems related to infertility can be tough and draining experience for couples. Their emotional & physical well-being is equally affected by financial aspects. REVIVA IVF and fertility Clinic is known to provide state of the art solutions to fertility.

State – Of – The – Art – Infrastructure

REVIVA is known for its modern infrastructure designed with the latest technological achievements in mind. The advanced laboratories and state of the art operation theaters utilized ensures patients & high quality standards in care. Expert team of specialists. REVIVA exceptional team of fertility specialists and support staff furthered to be clinics way success.
Its headed by experience doctors with a solid name in the reproductive medicine field offering personalized care and unique treatments as a response to patient’s needs.

Comprehensive Range of Services:

Reviva IVF and fertility Clinic offers the following services.

Fertility preservation offered:

We consider a holistic approach when providing fertility treatments at our clinic. So to make the procedures work, we consider all health factors and offer the best for successful results.
We aim to increase the chances of proper conception & growth.

Patients centric care:

All efforts at REVIVA IVF & fertility Clinic are designed to ensure the comfort and peace of patients. They receive the best support & care from our professionals from the consultation period to the time they come for follow services. The clinic offers nurturing environments to ensure that couples can feel comfortable and optimistic since fertility cases are demanding, couples can face the challenges with hope and motivation.

Success Rate & Testimonials

The overall success rate for rate. Indicating that the center REVIVA has been high success provides the best fertility care. Specifically, the clinic record for assisted reproduction states that we follow the best procedures that have helped numerous couples to achieve their desired family size. Couple served well share
testimonials on our website for others.

Accessibility & Affordability

Our REVIVA IVF & fertility Clinic is highly accessible to all patients from the city & its surroundings. Additionally, the Clinic serve to make fertility treatments affordable to all members of society through various IVF plans & packages.


In conclusion, there is a light at the end of this difficult situation for couples suffering from infertility. REVIVA IVF & fertility clinic is right place to the right support & much needed solution to the problems of infertility. Given, its excellent infrastructure top class team of specialists, rich experience & focus on patient perspective. REVIVA is no doubt the best IVF center in CHD. & PATIALA. Rest assured, when you be embarking on the journey to parenthood, REVIVA will with you all the way. REVIVA IVF and fertility Clinic in CHD are committed to providing high Quality, high success infertility care. Start your way to parenthood Now.

REVIVA IVF & Fertility Clinic is led by best fertility doctor in Chandigarh, Dr.Sandeep Cheema Sohi , along with the team of specialists who have years of experience and expertise in treating fertility. There are 4 most important steps we conduct in follicular monitoring:
• Preparation
• Ultrasound Exam
• Follicle Count & Measurement
• Blood Test

Why Choose REVIVA?

  1. Expertise and personalized care:
    Tailored treatment plans by trusted specialists for optimal success rates.
  2. Cutting-Edge Technology & Proven Success:
    Advanced techniques & facilities with proven exceptional fertility outcomes.
  3. Comprehensive fertility services:
    Full range of services including IVF, IUI & Egg Freezing.
  4. Emotional Support and Accessibility:
    Empathetic Counselling, flexible scheduling and comprehensive support throughout treatment.

Things to Do to Improve Your Chances of IUI Success Rate

Things to Do to Improve Your Chances of IUI Success Rate

Every couple dreams of planning for their children & starting a new chapter of their life. Couples who are unable to conceive a child through the natural process opt for various methods from medical sciences, one of them is IUI (Intrauterine Insemination).

IUI success rate

Intrauterine Insemination is a fertility treatment in which the semen is washed from the male partner & transferred directly into the female partner’s uterus with the help of an IUI catheter. This method is used during the time of ovulation.

Who can have an IUI procedure?

Women with cervical & men with ejaculation dysfunction can go for this treatment. Some more indications can be:
High Success Rate for IUI Treatment

Although the success rate of IUI is 15-20% there are some things you can do to improve the chances of achieving a high success rate for IUI treatment. Here is what you can do:

Eat healthy:-

Eat Healthy for IUI Treatment
It is highly advisable to maintain a healthy & balanced diet after IUI treatment. Adding food like whole grains seeds, nuts & eggs to your diet can lead to successful fertilization.

Get in touch with your fertility expert:-

Meet the Fertility Expert IUI Success Rate
It is best to stay in constant touch with your fertility expert after the treatment. Our experts suggest to you the right way to achieve conception. You can get assistance from the beginning to the final stage of the treatments here.

Start Exercising:-

Exercising for IUI Treatment
Our experts advise that a little exercise is always suitable after the treatment of IUI. It also enhances the blood flow to the uterus and other reproductive organs.

Build & Maintain Positivity:

Maintain Positivity to Improve IUI success rate

It will be better for your health & body if you feel happy and positive in these times. Maintaining a positive attitude is a must during & after the process.

Maintain Healthy Sleep Pattern:-

Healthy Sleep to Improve IUI success rate

After the procedure, our IVF experts recommend you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. It will not only help you to stay fresh but also improve your mental health and release your stress.

NOTE: When you opt for such an important artificial procedure, it is highly advisable to look after the do’s & don’ts of the things you can do afterward because this period is very crucial to getting successful results.

REVIVA fertility & IVF clinic takes care of everything for couples who can’t conceive & provides full assistance in the best IVF & IUI treatment in CHD.



Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injecton (ICSI) 

Although Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)  was introduced as an add on procedure to In vitro fertilization (IVF)  for couples with severe male factors , now a days it is routinely used in most of the IVF centers.  ICSI  involves injection of single sperm into a mature egg.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injecton (ICSI)

ICSI has a clear cut edge in male factor infertility like low sperm count , poor sperm motility , abnormal sperm morphology , nil sperm count due to blockage etc. ICSI is also the best option when fertilization rates in previous cycles have been low.

 In these cases the risk of fertilization failure after conventional IVF are high as the poor quality sperm may fail to penetrate the egg and result in failure. However, ICSI is Labour intensive and more expensive than Conventional IVF.


Conventional IVF  involves standard  insemination of eggs collected by egg retrieval and husband semen sample .

IVF is more successful in young couples with good ovarian reserve and normal semen parameters .Your chances of having a healthy baby using IVF depend on many factors, such as your age and the cause of infertility.

The current available studies that compare ICSI and IVF in couples with no male factor problems show neither method was superior to the other in achieving live birth, complications like multiple pregnancies etc.

The choice between both the fertility treatments would mostly rely on diagnosis and recommendation of your fertility specialist while its always great to have basic understanding of the process benefit & difference.

Fertility Treatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Fertility Treatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Fertility Treatment During COVID-19

Over the past few weeks, our TV channels, newsfeeds,social media platforms have been filled with terms such as ‘social distancing‘ flatten the curve’ due to the global pandemic i.e. COVID-19. There is no denying in saying that this pandemic has pressed a pause button to the world.
Whether its planned vacations, weddings, big conferences, sports events or world championships – everything is on hold.

Now that the world is facing a global health crisis, the cloud of ambiguity and uncertainty is looming larger than ever as many people are questioning how the current restrictions will impact their ability to start or grow their families. Infertility itself is a situation that endures anxiety, feeling of helplessness and fear about the future – and now, there’s COVID-19 pandemic on top of it all.

Current Situation

Given the unknown effects of COVID-19 on fertility treatment, reproductive medicine societies have recommended the suspension of new infertility treatment cycles during this time. Couples and especially women who have invested their time and a lot of money in their treatment may be frustrated and anxious about the impact of this enforced, yet indefinite delay on their chances of conceiving. This whole situation has put the health care providers in the difficult position of trying to balance the patient’s needs with the current government mandates and expert recommendations.

Infertility Care during COVID-19

There are some guidelines issued by the reproductivemedical associations and authorities to ensure that all patients and staff tobe kept as safe as possible by reducing exposure and therefore complications that may arise.

With concerning to infertility treatments during the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been advised to:

  • Suspend commencement of new treatment cycles,
    including intrauterine  insemination,
    ovulation induction; and in vitro fertilisation, including frozen embryo
    transfers, retrievals, and also suspend non-urgent gamete cryopreservation.
  • Cancel all embryo transfers, whether fresh or frozen.
  • Continue to provide care and support to patients who
    are currently ‘in cycle’ or who require urgent cryopreservation and
  • Suspend all the elective surgeries and non – urgent
    diagnostic procedures.

How REVIVA is combating the Infertility Treatments
amidst COVID-19?

Its understandable that it can be devastating for those couples who have been trying so hard to build and grow their families to now have to delay treatment due to COVID-19. The goal of this communication is to help patients to have a clearer understanding of the recommendations issued by the government and to help answer questions they may have. Thus, we are providing after-care and support via phone calls whilst keeping your safety on the forefront.

Q: Are elective medical procedures are supposed to stop;
are IVF and other fertility treatments are included in this?

A: Infertility is nothing but a disease, and getting treatment of infertility is medically necessary. IVF treatment is extremely time-sensitive and important but not a medical emergency like treatment of ruptured appendix. We know that many other non-emergency treatments are also being postponed during this crisis scattered globally.

Q: I want to pursue IVF or other fertility treatments.
Should I delay care during the COVID-19 pandemic?

A: To deal with the infertility treatment is in itself is quite daunting, especially when you’re pursuing the dream of starting or growing your family. This COVID-19 crisis has come like an unexpected challenge in the way and the government here and around the world has restricted IVF fertility centre in performing treatments.

As fertility care requires a lot of interaction and communication with many people and person-to-person meet which might increase the likelihood of getting infected in one way or the other. so, this is why we have postponed infertility care until the crisis passes.

Q: Are my frozen embryos, eggs, or sperm safe?

A: Yes. As there is no immediate threat to the safety of cryopreserved eggs, embryos, or sperm. We have some policies and advanced procedures which maintain the life of embryos, eggs and sperm.

Q: How safe is the clinic and what cleaning protocols
it is following?

A: Our clinic is following all the cleaning and safety protocols mandatory as per the government regulations. We have been keeping aclose check on every nook and corner and our cleaning staff is taking care diligently. And, we would be following these measures even after this crisis gets over for the safety of our patients and staff members.

Q: Can I still have a medical, counselling or nurse
consent consultation?

Right now, we are encouraged to minimize in-person interactions and instead utilising Telehealth conversations via phone or video chat. Patients who are undergoing through a fertility cycle and need after-care, we are here for you providing support and all the possible options.

Therefore, COVID-19 has cast the future of IVF and the fertility sector into uncertainty.

To be noted, if you have been exposed to COVID-19 or may be at risk, we recommend you to postpone the treatment until cleared by your primary health care provider. This is all in the interest of your safety and the safety of our staff members and other patients. For more information,
 You can email us or call us. We all are in this together.

As we are facing this unprecedented health crisis due to the wide-spread of the coronavirus, we recognise and appreciate the efforts and response of the entire army of doctors, staffs, and nurses who are tirelessly doing their jobs and helping the patients from this dreadful disease.